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我 们 知 道 的 5 个 爱 情 故 事的英文

"我 们 知 道 的 5 个 爱 情 故 事"怎么读


  • ballad
  • "我"英文翻译    I; my; me
  • "知"英文翻译    know; realize; be aware of
  • "道"英文翻译    road; way; route; path
  • "的"英文翻译    4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...
  • "爱"英文翻译    love
  • "情"英文翻译    feeling; affection; sentimen ...
  • "故"英文翻译    event; incident; happening; ...
  • "我 们 的 摩 登 少 女" 英文翻译 :    our modern maidens
  • "紧 急 事 故 通 告" 英文翻译 :    emer gency notification
  • "事 故 资 料 纪 录 器" 英文翻译 :    event data recorder edr
  • "背 后 的 关 爱" 英文翻译 :    unspoken bond
  • "知" 英文翻译 :    Ⅰ动词1.(知道) know; realize; be aware of 强不知以为知 pretend to know what one doesn't know; 无所不知 know everything; omniscient; 知其然并力求知其所以然 know the how and endeavour to know the why; 若要人不知; 除非己莫为。 if you don't want people to know it, the best way is not to do it. 这种方法我们已不知试了多少次。 we've tried this method for no one knows how many times.2.(使知道) inform; notify; tell 通知大家下午去开会 notify everybody to attend the meeting this afternoon3.(旧指主管) administer; be in charge of 知府 magistrate of a district; 知县 official administering a county; county magistrateⅡ名词(知识) knowledge; information 求知 seek knowledge; 出于无知 from ignorance; without information
  • "故" 英文翻译 :    Ⅰ名词1.(事故) event; incident; happening; accident 变故 unforeseen event; misfortune2.(原因) cause; reason 不知何故 not know why; 托故离开 make an excuse and leave; 无故缺勤 be absent without reason [cause]; 非有他故。 there's no other reason.3.(朋友; 友情) friend; acquaintance 非亲非故 neither relative nor friend; a perfect stranger; 沾亲带故 have ties of kinship or friendship4.[书面语] (特指祭祀之类的事) service of offering sacrifices5.(指旧的、过去的事物) the old 吐故纳新 exhaling the old and inhaling the new; get rid of the stale and take in the fresh6.(旧识; 老朋友) old friend 一见如故 feel like old friends at the first meeting7.(姓氏) a surname 故清远 gu qingyuanⅡ动词(死亡) die 亡故 pass away; 病故 die of illnessⅢ形容词1.(原来的; 从前的; 旧的) former; ancient; old 故址 site (of an ancient monument, etc.); 黄河故道 the old course of the huanghe river; 依然故我 be still one's same old self2.(已死的) deceased 故友 one's deceased friendⅣ副词(故意; 有意) purposely; intentionally 明知故犯 commit an offense knowingly; wilfully violate (a law or rule)Ⅴ连词(所以; 因此) so; therefore; conseqently; hence; on the countrary 途中遇事耽搁, 故未能按期到达。 i was held up on the way and so i was late. 无私故能无畏。 fearlessness stems from selflessness.; only the selfless can be fearless
  • "我 的 昂 贵 学 业" 英文翻译 :    mes cheres etudes
  • "们" 英文翻译 :    助词(用在代词或指人的名词后面, 表示复数) 我们 we; 他们 they; 孩子们 the children; 乡亲们 folks; 人们 people; 同志们 comrades; 战友们 comrades(-)in(-)arms; 战士们 soldiers
  • "规定动作(男子7个,女子5个)" 英文翻译 :    compulsory pose
  • "情" 英文翻译 :    名词1.(感情) feeling; affection; sentiment 热情 enthusiasm; 深情 deep feeling [love]; 温情 tender sentiments; 抒情 express [convey] one's emotion2.(情分; 情面) favour; kindness; sensibilities; feelings 求情 ask for a favour; plead with sb.3.(爱情) love 谈情说爱 be courting; talk love; 一见钟情 fall in love at first sight4.(情欲; 性欲) passion 发情 oestrus; be in heat; 情欲 sexual passion5.(情形; 情况) situation; circumstances; condition 病情 patient's condition; 军情 military situation; 实情 actual state of affairs
  • "错 开 车 道 的 消 除" 英文翻译 :    elimi nation of off-set leg
  • "事" 英文翻译 :    名1.(事情) matter; affair, thing; business 把坏事变成好事 turn a bad thing into a good one; 公事 public affairs; official business [duties]; 国家大事 affairs of state; 别叫我做办不到的事。 don't ask me to do impossible things. 还有些未完成的事需要处理。 there is still some unfinished business to settle. 我们就这事请教过他。 we have consulted him about the matter. 要是你愿意承办这件事, 我将不胜感激。 if you will undertake the affair, i shall be very grateful.2.(事故) trouble; accident 出事 have an accident; 惹事 make trouble; stir up trouble; 省了不少事 save a lot of trouble; 平安无事。 all is well. 一夜无事。 the night passed without accident.3.(职业;工作) job; work 找事 look for a job; 有事大家做。 we should all share the work.4.(关系或责任) responsibility; involvement 请回去吧, 没有你的事了。 please go back, there is nothing of your concern now. 这件案子里还有他的事呢。 he was involved in the case, too.Ⅱ动词1.[书面语] (侍奉) wait upon; serve 事父母 wait upon one's parents2.(从事) be engaged in 不事生产 lead an idle life; 无所事事 doing nothing; loafing
  • "萨博9-5 sportcombi的" 英文翻译 :    saab 9-5 sportcombi
  • "个" 英文翻译 :    个Ⅰ量词1.(用于没有专用量词的名词) : 一个理想 an ideal; 两个月 two months; 三个梨 three pears2.(用于约数的前面) 差个两 三岁 about two or three years short; 这点活有个两三天就干完了。 this bit of work can easily be finished in a couple of days.3.(用于带宾语的动词后面) 见个面儿 meet a person; 说个话儿 have a talk; 他在农村锻炼了两年, 扶个犁, 赶个车, 都拿得起来。 after a couple of years in the countryside, he was quite good at handling a plough and driving a cartⅡ助词1.(用于动词和补语之间) 笑个不停 keep on laughing; 吃个饱 eat one's fill; 砸个稀巴烂 smash sth. to smithereens; 明天我们要玩个痛快。 we'll have a wonderful time tomorrow.2.(用在指示代词后面) 这个 this; 那个 that; 这些个 these ones3.[方言] (加在某些时间词后面); 昨儿个 yesterday; 今儿个 today; 明儿个 tomorrowⅢ形容词(单独的) individual 个人 individual (person)
  • "我" 英文翻译 :    Ⅰ代词1.(称自己) i; my; me 以我之见 in my humble opinion2.(指称我们) we; our; us 我等二人 we two; 我校 our university; 齐师伐我。 the qi troops attacked us.3.(""我、你"" 对举, 表示泛指) 足球场上你争我夺。 each scrambled for the football at the football ground.4.(自己) self 自我批评 self-criticism; 忘我的劳动 selfless labourⅡ名词(姓氏) a surname 我子 wo zi
  • "爱" 英文翻译 :    Ⅰ动词1.(对人或事物有很深的感情) love 爱祖国 love one's country; 疯狂[盲目, 热烈, 真诚]地爱 love wildly [blindly, passionately, sincerely]; 深深[温柔]地爱 deeply [tenderly] love; 爱我中华, 修我长城。 love the chinese nation, repair the great wall.; love china, repair the great wall. 他爱钱胜过一切。 he loves money above everything else. 他真诚地爱他的妻子。 he loved his wife devotedly.2.(喜欢; 爱好; 喜好) like; be fond of; be keen on 爱看电视 like watching tv; 爱游泳 be fond of swimming; 他极爱开玩笑。 he is awfully fond of jesting. 他最爱踢足球。 he likes to play football. 我酷爱钓鱼。 i am dead keen on fishing. 她爱问长问短。 she likes to rubber-neck. 他是个爱问长问短的人。 he is a rubberneck.3.(爱惜; 爱护) cherish; treasure; hold dear; take good care of 爱公物 take good care of public property; 爱集体荣誉 cherish the good name of the collective4.(常常发生某种行为; 容易发生某种变化) be apt to; be in the habit of 爱发脾气 be apt to lose one's temper; be short-tempered; 铁爱生锈。 iron rusts easily. 食物在夏天爱变质。 food is apt to deteriorate in summer.Ⅱ名词1.(深厚的感情; 深切的关怀; 特指男女之间的爱情) love; affection 博爱 universal fraternity [love]; 母爱 maternal love; 永恒的爱 everlasting love; 强烈的爱 a keen affection; 他对妻子的爱转移了。 his affections were turned from his wife. 父母之爱深而真挚。 parental love is deep and true. 他的爱是以情感而不是以情欲为其经纬的。 his love had been woven of sentiment rather than passion.2.(姓氏) a surname 爱申 ai shen
  • "道" 英文翻译 :    Ⅰ名词(道路) road; way; route; path 干[便] 道 a main [service] road; 林荫小道 a shady path; 马车道 a wagon road; 铁道 railway; railroad; 羊肠小道 a winding [zigzag] path2.(水流通过的途径) channel; course 河道 river course; 下水道 sewer; 黄河入海有过二十六次改道。 the yellow river changed its course to the sea on 26 occasions.3.(方向; 方法; 道理) way; method 养生之道 the way to keep fit; 以其人之道 , 还治其人之身 deal with a man as he deals with you; pay sb. back in his own coin; 志同道合 cherish the same ideals and follow the same path4.(道德) morals; morality 道义 morality and justice5.(学术或宗教的思想体系; 宇宙万物的本源) doctrine; body of moral teachings; the way of nature which cannot be given a name; principle 传道 propagate doctrines of the ancient sages; preach; 孔孟之道 doctrines [teachings] of confucius and mencius; 尊师重道 honour the teacher and respect his teachings; 得道 (of person) have attained wisdom6.(属于道教的; 道教徒) taoism; taoist 老道 a taoist priest; 一僧一道 a buddhist monk and a taoist priest7.(某些反动的迷信组织) superstitious sect 会道门 superstitious sects and secret societies8.(线条; 细长的痕迹) line 画一条斜道儿 draw a slanting line; 铅笔道 a pencil line9.(身体内的管道) tract 呼吸道 respiratory tract; 胃肠道 gastrointestinal tract10.(技术; 技艺) skill 医道 physician's skill ⑾(姓氏) a surname: 道同 dao tongⅡ量词1.(用于某些长条形的东西; 条) 一道烟 a stream [column] of smoke; 一道气 a jet of gas; 一道光 a streak of light; 万道金光 myriads of golden rays; 一道缝儿 a crack; 一道河 a river2.(用于门、墙等; 重) 两道门 two successive doors; 三道防线 three lines of defence3.(用于命令、题目等) 出五道题 set five questions (for an examination, etc.); 一道命令 an order4.(表示“次”) 上四道菜 serve four courses; 省一道手续 save one step in the processⅢ动词1.(说) say; talk; speak 常言道 as the saying goes; 能说会道 have a glib tongue; have the gift of the gab; 道是无情却有情。 you might say (someone) is cold [unfeeling], but he isn't.2.(以为; 认为) think; suppose 我道是老周呢, 原来是你。 so it's you! i thought it was lao zhou
  • "我,我" 英文翻译 :    squeezin
我 们 知 道 的 5 个 爱 情 故 事的英文翻译,我 们 知 道 的 5 个 爱 情 故 事英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译我 们 知 道 的 5 个 爱 情 故 事,我 们 知 道 的 5 个 爱 情 故 事的英文意思,我 們 知 道 的 5 個 愛 情 故 事的英文我 们 知 道 的 5 个 爱 情 故 事 meaning in English我 們 知 道 的 5 個 愛 情 故 事的英文我 们 知 道 的 5 个 爱 情 故 事怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。